Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Here's what the the wonderful kids from the Mt. Carmel-Holy Rosary School had to say about the Swedish National Youth Orchestra!

Thomas, Grade 8:
The performance by the Swedish National Youth Orchestra was delightful and made my first experience at Carnegie Hall very amazing. The way they played made me proud to be a violinist and influenced me to work harder to become the best I can be in violin.

Kalyn, Grade 7:
I was amazed when I saw the Swedish National Youth Orchestra. Because I am a fellow violinist, I wondered how they were able to read their music so quickly. The music that was produced sounded very nice, and I especially liked the dramatic parts of the music. I enjoyed my visit to Carnegie Hall and seeing the Swedish National Youth Orchestra.

Playing the violin helps me as a person because it builds my self-esteem and keeps me determined to learn the music I have to play. It also makes me determined to put my mind to anything and do my best in anything I take an interest in.

When I went to Carnegie Hall, I felt honored to be there. I’ve heard that once you have played there, you have made it to the top.

Sharee, Grade 7:
The experience was fantastic, superb! Hearing the Swedish National Youth Orchestra was absolutely spectacular. I loved it! I couldn’t stay in my seat because the performance was jaw-dropping. Thanks to them, I listen to classical music every evening and I still remember their faces, so focused and their hands shifting so swiftly and elegantly on their fingerboards. Honestly, it was an honor to be in such a beautiful elegant place, it felt wonderful to be invited!

Tariq, Grade 7:
Violin has made me realize that I could do something with my life. I could do more than just sitting on the couch watching T.V. I finally know that I have more to offer the world. With God on my side, there’s nothing I can’t do.

Thank you Kids of Mt. Carmel-Holy Rosary School for attending our concert in Carnegie Hall and for your great and inspirational feedback!
The Swedish National Youth Orchestra